Lethbridge Park is in the centre of Mt Druitt and is home to almost 5000 people.
Lethbridge Park residents have expressed their aspirations for their suburb to be cleaner, safer, and more engaging, with improved access to affordable health services, public transport, housing, and effective support programs for people impacted by drugs and alcohol.
Since 2017, Together in Lethbridge Park has members from a range of local service providers, government and non-government organisations, and residents, working together to achieve these aspirations.
By documenting community voices we are hearing that the people of Lethbridge Park want to live in a good place to raise children where there is no anti-social behaviour.
The Hive is regularly out and about in Lethbridge Park supporting the team at Lethbridge Park Salvation Army as they run sports and BBQ events, holiday programs, and Pop-Up cafes to engage with the local community.
Since 2023, The Hive has connected with Lethbridge Park Public School in a fortnightly breakfast program before school starts. This has been a great way to get to meet local families and their children, as well as the staff at the school.
“Partnership with The Hive means sharing vision, purpose, resources, time – and our team! Working Together in 2770 has strengthened the conditions to holistically support families. We want the voice of the local community at the centre, and for their voice to shape what it means to thrive and live life well!”
The Hive works in this community has part of a collective team of organisations, services and local community members. Our Together in Lethbridge Park team includes: