Our Approach


The Hive believes in a foundation of strategic learning.

We need to constantly reflect on the work, learn from our mistakes and from our observations, and adapt accordingly.

The Hive’s work is guided by robust measurement, evaluation and learning, including a clear theory of change.

The purpose of our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework is –

  • To have real-time data on
    • What is working well and on track; and
    • What adaptations and improvements are needed to create the intended impact.
  • For upward accountability to funders of United Way Australia.
  • For sideways and downwards accountability to collaboration partners and community

Which equips us to understand:

  • The immediate and long-term outcomes of our work
  • The contribution of our partners working collaboratively and our backbone role in enabling this
  • The contribution of our advocacy and influencing on the wider systems reform
  • What gaps and opportunities there are for strengthening communities in Mt Druitt

Strategic learning has also been informed by other evaluations that include:

    • Most Significant Change – a qualitative and participatory evaluation of Together in Willmot: focused on the efforts and impact of collaboration. Undertaken by Clear Horizon.
    • Evaluation of Early Childhood Education Services ECES. Focused on the delivery of affordable, accessible, and quality ECEC to social housing tenants. Undertaken by SVA and ARTD Consultants.
    • Check Ups Before Schools Program Pilot (CUBS.) evaluation undertaken by Western Sydney University.

Together in Willmot Evaluation Report

In 2020, Clear Horizon undertook a qualitative evaluation of the collective work of the Together in Willmot collaboration. The evaluation report covers activities since it began in 2016 to April 2020. In focus is the effectiveness, impact, sustainability, and lessons of the initiative.