Our Approach

Our Learnings

Reflections on barriers for families in the first 2000 days

Parents and carers in the Mt Druitt community are resilient, strong, and love their children deeply. However, like many families in under resourced communities they face a range of barriers throughout raising their young children. The Hive has captured here the barriers that we have heard from families in Mt Druitt in trying to access services for their young children. We have also included our learnings about the steps that we believe policy makers, government and non-government organisations can implement to ensure all children can receive the support they need now and for their future.

First 2000 Days Report

Insights Paper Series

The Hive has been operating in Mount Druitt since 2016 as a backbone to bring together residents, services, business and Government. Over the years we have listened to hundreds of families, worked with local residents, connected and collaborated with dozens of partner organisations, schools, services and governments, and developed an understanding of what is needed in Mt Druitt to ensure children start school well.

The Insight Paper Series seeks to share our learnings with the sectors passionate about making a long term and sustainable difference.

The Overview Paper provides context to our work Insights Papers – Overview

The Community Development Paper demonstrates that the foundation of our work is built on effective engagement and collaboration with the community Insights Paper – Community Development

The Early Learning Insights Paper explores barriers and opportunities for children gaining access to quality early education Insights Paper – Early Learning

The Check Ups Before School (CUBS) Paper addresses the importance of early developmental checks for children before starting school Insights Paper – Check Ups Before School

The Early Intervention Paper offers solutions for an intervention system that makes a difference for Mt Druitt’s children and families Insights Paper – Early Intervention

The Employment Outcomes Paper identifies the barriers many Mt Druitt residents experience in trying to access employment and provides a holistic approach to ensure they have strengthened opportunities to live well Insights Paper – Employment

CUBS Evaluation Report 

The CUBS evaluation report summarises the research taken in developing the CUBS program, and highlights the impacts it has had on children and families in Mount Druitt. CUBS Evaluation Report