

Together in Tregear

Tregear is located on the western edge of Mt Druitt and is home to almost 4000 people. Since 2021, The Hive has worked in collaboration with Tregear Public School, NGROO, and Tregear Presbyterian Community Church. Collective organisations like HopeStreet also work in Tregear to deliver services and case work.

The Hive actively engages with Tregear residents through a range of programs and events. Tregear has a free playgroup catering to families with children ages 0-5, fostering early childhood development and providing a supportive space for parents; a youth group run by the local church; and free coffee and hot chocolate outside of Tregear Public School every fortnight. The monthly Tregear Together community meetings serve as a way for local residents, organisations, and services to collaborate, discuss important and relevant issues, and strengthen community ties.


Community Voices

The Hive has begun initial community engagement and consultation to explore and discover residents’ aspirations and concerns, compiling a suburb profile and connecting with local services.

We have run the first working group, with our Tregear partners, including the Smith Family, Tregear Public School, NGROO, Tregear Presbyterian Preschool and Mission Australia. 

From documenting community voices, we know that the residents of Tregear are keen to be a part of a connected community where everyone’s skills and values are used to enhance their suburb. In recent months, local residents worked in collaboration with The Hive to create fun community events including school holiday programs and an exciting Christmas event. These residents demonstrated their love for their community by taking lead in these projects, planning with various organisations to create meaningful and engaging events fit for families and children.

“As a local preschool in the Tregear community, we joined Tregear Together because we have always believed in and are passionate about the importance of connections and collaboration — of people coming together and contributing their own expertise for the benefit of a shared vision. We believe that by working alongside with others, we gain valuable insights that will help us achieve better outcomes not only for the children and families in our preschool but also for the rest of the greater community.”

Bernadette Reyes
Tregear Presbyterian Preschool
our partners

Our Tregear Together team

The Hive works in this community has part of a Collective team of organisations, services and local community members. Our Together in Tregear team includes:

  • Local residents
  • Tregear Presbyterian Preschool
  • NGROO (Connected Beginnings)
  • Mount Druitt Indigenous Church
  • Tregear Public School
  • Mission Australia
  • Connect Child and Family Services
  • The Smith Family

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