We need to constantly reflect on the work, learn from our mistakes and from our observations, and adapt accordingly.
The Hive’s work is guided by robust measurement, evaluation and learning, including a clear theory of change.
The purpose of our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework is –
- To have real-time data on
- What is working well and on track; and
- What adaptations and improvements are needed to create the intended impact.
- For upward accountability to funders of United Way Australia.
- For sideways and downwards accountability to collaboration partners and community
Which equips us to understand:
- The immediate and long-term outcomes of our work
- The contribution of our partners working collaboratively and our backbone role in enabling this
- The contribution of our advocacy and influencing on the wider systems reform
- What gaps and opportunities there are for strengthening communities in Mt Druitt
Strategic learning has also been informed by other evaluations that include:
- Most Significant Change – a qualitative and participatory evaluation of Together in Willmot: focused on the efforts and impact of collaboration. Undertaken by Clear Horizon.
- Evaluation of Early Childhood Education Services ECES. Focused on the delivery of affordable, accessible, and quality ECEC to social housing tenants. Undertaken by SVA and ARTD Consultants.
- Check Ups Before Schools Program Pilot (CUBS.) evaluation undertaken by Western Sydney University.