The Hive’s Child Health Linker assists families overcome barriers and navigate the health system. The Health Linker is a Social Worker, which means they’re equipped to provide wider psycho-social support for families, alongside short-term case management around a child’s developmental needs.
The successful pilot of the Check-ups before school (CUBS ) program in the Mt Druitt suburbs of Willmot, Lethbridge Park and Bidwill resulted in the increase in children accessing developmental blue book checks. However, the Hive soon recognised that while the program overcame the barriers to accessing the initial health screening, the barriers were once again reinstated when families had to access allied health services without support.
Our CUBS Nurse reported that families were overwhelmed by following up a referral, as well as having additional concerns including financial stressors and a lack of transport.
Following the success of the Early Learning Linker model, The Hive funded a Health Linker role which could provide the similar function of assisting families to overcome barriers and navigate the health system. The Health Linker provides supports including; assistance along the journey of diagnosis, helping to find, book and attend pediatrician appointments, brokerage for appointments and providing transport and emotional support at appointments.
The Health Linker can also offer assistance in accessing the NDIS, ensure families are aware of allied health supports in their area and assist where finances are a barrier.
Bound by a shared goal and developed in collaboration with the community, The Hive’s initiatives enable sustainable change.
Working collaboratively with local services in four suburbs across 2770, The Hive forms a community backbone, responding to the communities needs and priorities.